에코바이오홀딩스 주식회사 회원이 되시면 각종 이벤트 할인혜택은 물론, 엘리펫의 다양한 서비스를 보다 안정적이고 효과적으로 이용할 수 있습니다.
Company profile
Company infoHISTORY
2014~ 2018 Now
05 Biomethane Car Fuelization Facility // Private Investment // Project Management Operation Contract Agreement
62.1 billion won Contract with the Ministry of Environment for the treatment of sulfur oxides
Bio gas production promotion method using on-site customized anaerobics
02 Additional listing (CB conversion)
01 Acquired patent for dehydration process to control water content of bio sulfur suspension
12 Acquisition of R & D center land of 3.8 billion won
11 Export and sale of bio-sulfur in Mexico 2,200kg(2.2ton)
03 Convention on Biogas Cogeneration (Gangwon Bioenergy)
12 Prediction method of the amount of anaerobic gas produced using linearisation techniques (Seoul Metropolitan University)
08 Received the Grand Prize at the ”16th Korea Digital Management Innovation Award"
(Organized by the Minister of the Future Creation Science)
06 Selected as an exemplary company for voluntary reduction of air pollutants (Awarded by Incheon Metropolitan City)
03 Changed company name to ECOBio Holdings Co., Ltd.
11 2015Best Practices of Total Air Pollutant Management (Ministry of Environment)
04 Visit to the metropolitan area landfill in 36 foreign diplomatic missions
10 Management and operation of biomethane for automobile fuel plant on a private investment project contract.
03 Completion of New Renewable Energy Project in Russia
The Director of Green Growth Support Team Visit
02 Maintenance supply service for Nanji landfill gas treatment facility Contract.
2006~ 2013
10 UNIDO(United Nations Industrial Development Organization)Visit by the Secretary General
2013 Renewable Energy Grand Prize (President)
2013 Award for Environmental Industry Promotion (Minister of Environment)
Designated by excellent environmental industry (Minister of Environment)
Green Climate Award Excellence Prize (Minister of Knowledge Economy)
Management and operation handling contract (Gangwon Bioenergy Co., Ltd.)
07 Designated as Excellent Environment Business
03 Eco Energy Co., Ltd. Transferred to major subsidiary of parent company
02 Awarded by Minister of Knowledge Economy Green Climate Awards Corporate Division Excellence Prize
12 Start operation of fuel supply business of Daejeon Combined Heat & Power plant
10 Won the prize for the best company to cultivate waste manpower energy (Minister of Environment)
02 Registered GHG emission reduction project
11 Supply contract operation service contract for Sangam Hydrogen Station
10 Top prize in the training of human resource experts
07 KB Kookmin Bank P.F Funds attracted 67 billion
05 Commercial operation of Gumi landfill gas power plant commenced
04 Commenced commercial operation of Masan landfill gas power plant
12 Seanam Water Recovery Center Started commercial operation of biogas vehicle fuel business
07 Construction business registration - Industrial environmental facility construction business
06 Registered as a company specializing in renewable energy
05 Concluded Gumi LFG Reclamation and CDM Project (Gumi City)
11 Designated Gumi LFG Resources and CDM Project
09 Masan LFG Recycling Agreement and CDM Project Conclusion Agreement (Masan City)
07 Goldman Sachs U.K attracts $ 25 million in foreign capital
12 Signed the agreement for the fuel business of bio-gas vehicle in Seonam Water Recovery Center (Seoul city)
10 Changed company name to Eco Energy Holdings Co., Ltd.
09 Signed MOU on fuel gasification project for biogas vehicle (Flotech, Sweden Corp)
07 Listed on KOSDAQ by UNIBOS(NO.038870)
05 U.K Creativity Capital Corp. & CDM Signed a business contract
04 Signed MOU on Climate Change Response Research
Selected as a support company for overseas advancement (Small & medium Business Corporation (SBC) )
1989~ 2005
07 KEPCO E&C Business Partner (LFG Plant Operation Consortium)
04 23 billion won project financing for the landfill gas voluntary service project in Daegu (Company Bank)
A law firm JISUNG Business Partner(CDM Business Consortium)
03 Agreements on the fueling of buried cars (Environmental Management Corporation, Gas Corporation, Hyundai Mobis)
07 Landfill gas SIO2 research project (Sudokwon Landfill Site Management Corporation,)
06 An Empirical Study on Landfill Gasoline Fuelization (Environmental Management Corporation, Gas Corporation, Hyundai Mobis)
Selected as Masan Dukdong Landfill Gasification Project (Masan City)
05 Attracted 75 billion private investment project financed by the Seoul metropolitan area (company / Kookmin Bank)
11 Selected as Daegu Landfill Gasification Project (Daegu City)
Venture Business Certification (0211310535-2-10139) : the Small and Medium Business Administration
10 Korea New&Renewable Energy Join
07 Transferring new technology of adsorption refrigerator (Korea Institute of Energy Research)
02 Selected as a research institute for landfill gas purification (3rd year) (Korea Institute of Energy Research Public)
01 Selected by the management company of the sewage landfill gas collection/processing facility (Korea District Heating Corporation)
12 Company affiliated research institute certification (No. 20013176) Korea Engineering & Consulting Association
Selected as a landfill gas reclamation project company by Daejeon Kimgok-dong (Daejeon city)
10 Selected as a recyclable landfill recycling business operator (Ministry of Environment)
07 Quality Management System Certification KAS / IOS: 9001: Korea Quality Assurance Institute
04 Environmental impact assessment agency, engineering activity registration
09 Designated as ESCO (02-19932) Energy Management Corporation
06 Selected as a promising small and medium enterprise (NO.726340): Korea Institute of Energy Research
09 Designated as a supplier of deodorant Green-K and metropolitan landfill site (Sudokwon Landfill Site Management Corporation)
04 Established Total ENS Co., Ltd. (1302-7 Total Eco Building, Seocho-dong)